What does the staff of Physicians' Triage Services consist of?Our staff consists of highly dedicated Pediatric RNs with experience ranging from 7-42 years. The President and owner, Pat Miley, is available to personally address any questions or concerns 24 hours a day.
Physicians' Triage Service is available for after hours coverage 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Our goal has always been to be the best, not the biggest. How will I receive information on each triaged call?
You will receive a detailed call sheet with complete information by fax in a timely manner. The call sheets are in duplicate form so that the original will become a part of the patients permanent records and the other copy is retained by Physicians Triage Service for reference.
How does this Triage Service work?
When a family calls their pediatricians office after hours, their call is forwarded to an answering service (we work with a few different services or you may use an answering service of your choice) that obtains important data to include the reason for the call, demographics, symptoms, questions or concerns. This information is forwarded to the pediatric RN on call. The call is triaged by one of our highly skilled RNs. Patients are directed to the appropriate medical treatment facility, as required.
We also offer advice, health education and greatly needed reassurance with the new respiratory virus and other acute illnesses that are increasing in our communities from September through May. The news media frequently increases parental anxiety, which increases call volumes and the need for this education, advice and reassurance. What makes our Physicians' Triage Services superior to others?
Our RNs are dedicated and knowledgeable in the field of pediatrics, specifically in the area of telephone triage. We provide the highest standard of care, with our main concern always focusing on patient safety.